Inaugural Department Chair Network, September 27 & 28


We will gather at Northwestern University's downtown campus, Abbott Hall at 710 N. Lake Shore Drive (Chicago)

Chair Network Sponsors

BECOME AN EVENT SPONSOR ($100-$500) - Sponsorship makes this entire event possible. THANK YOU!


WHY? To gather chairs of dance departments together in community for discussion, solidarity, and resourcing.  In alignment with DSA organizational values, DSA’s Department Chair Network is committed to making dance departments places of inclusion, care, and possibility through equitable employment practices, critical curriculum building, faculty and student support, a commitment to wellness through and beyond the body, navigating and/or initiating institutional change, and securing dance’s longevity within higher education.

The DSA Department Chair Network is open to Institutional Members first, as a benefit of Institutional Membership (a membership level that explicitly holds up contingent workers and graduate students through institutional funds).  Once Institutional Members have the chance to register, registration is opened more broadly to individual DSA members.  This is a member benefit, and thus is not open to non-members.

Not a member, but want to attend? Join DSA here.

Hotel, 21c Museum Hotel Chicago

Book through the DSA Group Rate HERE (available until August 27), $199/night + tax

 21c Hotel