2025 AWARDS CYCLE -- DATE EXTENSIONNominations for the following prizes and awards have been extended to March 1, 2025: Bueno, Bueno First Book, Brockett, Lippincott, Selma Jean Cohen, Graduate Student Travel, Dance in the Public Sphere, Conference Fellowships for Contingent Faculty/Independent Scholars, Mid-Career, Dixie Durr, Outstanding Scholarly Research. DSA confers awards for outstanding publications, outstanding leadership & service to the field, outstanding graduate student work, and for conference travel. You may submit on behalf of yourself or for a colleague. Please consider submitting a colleague for Outstanding Scholarly Research in Dance, Dixie Durr Award for Outstanding Service to Dance Research, Mid-Career Award, or Dance in the Public Sphere Award. Reach out to VP of Awards, Seth Williams, at [email protected] with questions.
DANCE RESEARCH JOURNAL CALL FOR EDITORSThe Dance Studies Association welcomes applications for the next Executive Editor and Associate Editor or Executive Co-Editors of Dance Research Journal, to begin their terms in January 2026. The Editors act as chairs of the DRJ Editorial Board and serve a term of 3 years, with an opportunity for renewal. DRJ CALL FOR APPLICATIONS |