2025 SPRING WEBINAR SERIESMARCH 28 AND APRIL 25Throughout 2023 and 2024, Dance Studies Association (DSA) Board members and members-at-large met virtually to discuss possible solutions and modes of support for the particular instability faced by our colleagues. The dance studio and dance seminar are classrooms in acute precarity because so many of our community are contingent faculty and because the body itself, as site of critical and creative inquiry, is at the center of our field. To this end, DSA is hosting a three-part webinar series during spring 2025 with dual goals: resourcing individual members and capacity building for the organization. We see these webinars as opportunities to share existing resources and articulate networks to empower individuals, as well as create solidarity for those who may feel isolated. They are motivated by desires to move toward collective resources, support, and solutions. You may register for each session independently and the sessions are conducted in a webinar format. Links will be sent to those who have registered the morning of the event. For questions please reach out to jnj@dancestudiesassociation.org
Supported by a 2024 ACLS Intention Foundry Microgrant
Free for DSA members; $20 each for non-members Register for Dance in Defense Webinar